Private individuals

Your vehicles
Bought a new car?
We’ll take care of the paperwork for you. We’ll arrange the car’s registration and new registration plate, and contact you when your car is ready to go. So all you need to do is get in, start the car and drive off.
Your bicycle insurance
A new bicycle is a major investment, so it’s probably something you can’t do without. It would therefore be wise to take out proper insurance. It’s when you’re out using your bicycle that KBC Bicycle Insurance really pays off.
Moped insurance
Riding on the public highway with a class A or class B moped? If you just want the insurance you have to have by law or are after more security, then go for our Legal Assistance Insurance option.
Motorcycle insurance
If you ride on a public highway with a motorcycle, by law, you have to have third-party insurance. Or do you want more security? Choose the options that you think are important.
Breakdown assistance and assistance
Car breakdown, getting sick while traveling, or a car accident. Sometimes misfortune is just around the corner. With KBC-VAB Assistance, you can hit the road without any worries, in Belgium or abroad.
Driver accident insurance
Are you aware that physical injury you sustain in a traffic accident caused by you as a road user is not covered by insurance? With our driver accident policy, not just your car but you as well each have good insurance protection cover as you set out.
Car insurance for holders of a provisional driving licence
Start2Drive is our cheap car insurance for under 30-year olds who are learning to drive in their parents' car.
Yourself and your family
Pension saving
Pension saving means a nice tax benefit every year. Moreover, if you start early, you can save money for a long time.
Family insurance
Family insurance covers you for personal third-party liability. If someone suffers loss, damage or injury as a result of you being clumsy, negligent or forgetful or because of your children or dog, they could sue you for compensation. Family insurance covers you for this.
Hospitalisation insurance
Hospitalisation insurance provides you with extensive cover for medical expenses you incur when you are hospitalised due to illness or an accident, or for childbirth. Your hospitalisation expenses will be reimbursed, along with any costs involved with pre- and follow-up treatment.
Personal accident insurance
KBC's personal accident insurance offers you protection in the event of accidents in your private sphere. The insurance covers the financial consequences of an accident at home, in your garden, during sports or if you practice a hobby.
Travel insurance
This type of insurance covers you for loss, damage and/or injuries when travelling. Suppose your luggage is stolen or you are admitted to hospital. Or you have to cancel your trip due to the death of a family member. With KBC Travel Insurance you don’t need to worry about the financial consequences if anything happens to you.
Life insurance
Bereavement is always a difficult time, especially for the deceased's family. It doesn't help if those left behind have to deal with money problems. With KBC Life Insurance, you insure yourself against the financial consequences of a death.
Funeral insurance
KBC Funeral Insurance is a lifelong class 21 death insurance policy that covers funeral costs. Upon your death, KBC pays the funeral expenses directly to the undertaker up to the insured amount.
Long-term saving
Long-term saving is, in addition to pension saving, an additional possibility to save with a tax reduction of 30% of the saved amounts.
Dog insurance
Even though dogs were the first species to be domesticated, they are still animals, which means that unfortunately it's not possible to rule out all risks.
Investing for a child
If you play an important role in someone's young life – as a parent, grandparent, aunt or godfather, for instance – you’re only too happy to ensure a bright future for that child. Going to college, buying a house and other dreams and aspirations come with a price tag. By starting to invest (from early on), however, you can make sure that little one has a tidy capital sum at their disposal when they’re older. The investment-linked insurance product, KBC-Life Solutions4, is a readily accessible way to build up a capital sum for another person, such as a child who’s close to you.
Your home
Home Insurance
Home Insurance protects you from the financial risks associated with damage caused to your home and furniture by fire, water, natural disasters, etc.
Home Insurance for landlords
Home Insurance protects you from the financial risks arising from damage caused by fire, flooding, natural disasters, etc. to the house or apartment you are renting out.
Loan balance insurance
KBC Comfort Loan Balance Insurance is guaranteed-interest life insurance (class 21) that offers financial protection to your loved ones. In the event of your death during the term of the credit facility, KBC will pay back some or all of the outstanding debt.
House insurance tenant
Planning to rent a house or an apartment? Of course, you want comprehensive insurance covering you against risks like fire, water or storm damage and burglary.
Assistance insurance home
Nearly everyone has insurance for travel assistance or 'breakdowns on the road'. But what if an essential part of your home breaks down, like the heating or toilet? When that happens, you also need immediate help. So you need to get home assistance insurance.